
Impact Of Cell Phones On Society

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Impacts of Cellphones use in Society Advancements in technology have resulted in the invention of devices and machines that increase the efficiency and quality of life. Notably, the design of the cellphone and the internet highlights the latest technology that captivates both young and old. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our society. Primarily, the development of cellphones which combine different sophisticated features has made the device one of the necessities of life. So far, statistics indicate that the number of cell phones in the world supersedes the total population of people. Most people consider cell phones beneficial because of the level of interconnectedness it creates between people around the world. Arguably, …show more content…

Another element to note is the effect of cell phone use on face-to-face contact. According to Ictech & Bradley (2014, 22), face-to-face communication takes place in each other’s presence and allows individuals to share a joint focus of attention on the flow of conversation. As a result, this increases the capacity to indicate the course of each other’s physical action thereby maintain an intimate and collaborative act of communication. Furthermore, face-to-face contact permits individuals to make perceptions of each other’s behaviors. However, the introduction of cellphones has significantly undermined the ability of humans to hold meaningful face to face communication. Drago, (2015, 1) reveals that cellphones use has affected the ability of couples to spend quality time together. Most couples prefer to spend their moments on their cell phones at the expense of interacting with each other. Consequently, many relationships have been impaired because of this (Drago, 2015, 2). Addiction One of the adverse effects of over-using cell-phones is that it leads to addiction. Dependence is observed in classes with students who are unable to concentrate on their studies because they are engrossed in their phones. Because of this, the capacity of learning is affected. Identical to this is a study conducted by Roberts, Yaya & Manolis (2014, para 3), on cell phone addiction among college students. College students view cell phones as an

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