
Cell Phones Are A Influential Way Of Communication

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In the world today, cell phones are being used more than ever before. Everywhere you go, cell phones are present, and its users range from almost all ages. There is no avoiding the fact that cell phones are a prominent way of communication. They have become so influential in peoples’ everyday lives that many can not imagine life without a cell phone. Cell phones are not necessarily a bad tool, when used in moderation. Cell phones are changing the way people communicate and the way they live their everyday lives. Cell phones have changed the communication game forever, for better or for worse. With the presence of cell phones, distance is no longer a communication barrier. Talking to family thousands of miles away can now be done with the touch of a few buttons. The cell phone has brought the world closer together than it ever has before, and it is arguably the most unique technology humans have ever created. Many past creations have had comparisons, such as cars to horses and airplanes to birds. In contrast, “nothing in the animal world could allow humans the power bestowed by the cell phone” (Katz 1). There is no animal with the ability to communicate with another animal across thousands of miles within seconds. The cell phone is unlike anything we have ever created, and it is creating opportunities we never could have dreamed of. Furthermore, as cell phones have broken the communication barrier that is distance, they have also created other communication barriers. One of

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