
Technology Blended Classrooms Essay

Decent Essays

Our society has, and will continue to develop in various ways. Many struggle to see if these changes are good, or if they are bad for our society. Society is changing constantly, notably in the past half-century. Technology is the main reason our society has changed so profoundly; it constantly improves our world in multitudinous ways. There are three forms of technology that stand out amongst the rest, technology blended classrooms, the latest and greatest inventions, and television news.

One thing that has helped to better our society is technology blended classrooms. Before these kinds of classrooms all we had was a chalkboard or dry-erase board on the wall, and a whole stack of workbooks and textbooks on the shelf as references. …show more content…

After the first Industrial Revolution, or the Manufacturing Revolution, there came the Second Industrial Revolution, or otherwise known as the Technological Revolution. This is where our technology related inventions got their beginnings, it became the Digital and Informational Revolution that we live in today. Lately people are creating new inventions every day trying to reach their way to the top. One of the bigger inventions of the past half-century is the phone. Phones connect us to the world, whether it be virtual or reality. They take us places that without them, we may otherwise never reach. Instead of sending an envelope by train half way across the globe, concealing a letter written to a loved one that may take weeks or months to reach them. We can now pick up our phone and type a text message to that same person and it can reach them in the matter of minutes and seconds. We used to have to travel to see someone states away, but with the use of a simple app like "Skype" or "Facetime", we can see them whenever we want. Phones are such a great form of technology, even though we may spend a little too long staring at their screens during social events, they bring us closer together in an abundance of …show more content…

News is one of the greater uses of the T.V., the breaking news over a new happening overseas, a storm that could be headed our way, or even just a local burglars latest robbery, they can all be streamed live to us right from that screen. Before T.V. our news was broadcast by radio and newspapers; neither of which could bring us the news as fast a television. We need the speed of live T.V. to tell and show us things of utmost importance, for example the path of a tornado so we know when and where to take shelter. Also with the television we can get the latest news on events in other countries at the click of a channel button. We can keep up with any wars and debates that may be happening between us and others, a newspaper would take at least a week to get that same information to you, and even then you would have to find the right newspaper that carries out those kind of reports. As you can see T.V has really helped to keep us connected with what is happening in the world around

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