
Essay On Catcher In The Rye

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“Holden’s on the line.” My grandmother harshly whispered in my ear, emphasizing the name “Holden” as though his name was poison as she shook me awake. Slowly, I turned to face her and sat up, brushing a stray strand of hair away from my eyes. She held the phone straight out towards me like a runner handing off the baton to the next runner. I grasped the phone and tilted my head towards the door, hoping she would take the hint and give me some privacy with Holden. Unfortunately, either my hint didn’t register or she simply refused to leave. Instead, she stood frozen in place at my bedside, with her eyes suspiciously studying me. Once again, I let out a sigh and cleared my throat a bit, hoping to cover my drowsiness.
“‘Sally? That you?’” …show more content…

Was he being obnoxious? Yes, but I still worried about him...I still love him...I think? Even after he ripped my heart to shreds, the part of me who existed before the date, the one who thought he was simply marvelous, continued to protest against hanging up. The date had been going so well, I meant it when I told him I loved him, I really did. If it hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have suggested ice skating. I know I’m not a magnificent skater, I’ve never claimed to be one, but I still wanted to spend time with him. At the time, being with him felt grand. He bought me tickets to see the Lunts and knew that I would love their show. We kissed in the back of a cab, we dreamed-oh no. He became disillusioned with a fantasy of running away. I tried to be rational. He became infuriated with me. I left him, hoping that it would force him to come around to see my point of view. It always works in the movies, the girl threatens to leave the guy and starts to walk away. He chases after her and realizes how much he loves her. He let me go. I cared about him. He didn’t care about me. In hindsight, I guess what happened is for the greater good. We’re just too different. I care, he doesn’t. I didn’t want to kiss him. He wanted to kiss me. So I let him because that’s what I’m supposed to do, right? We’re supposed to compromise...sacrifice for each other. I spent ages on my lipstick, but did he care? Clearly not. That drove me mad. No one wants

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