
Essay On Global Trends

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The workforce in today’s business environment has gone through much change and newer trends continue to influence and shape the way in which people work in every position. It has become more digital, more global, diverse, automation-savvy, and social media- proficient.

The 2017 global trends report by Deloitte reveals how there is a pivoting to new organizational models; innovation-based HR platforms; employee experience strategies & learning and career programs (driven by social and cognitive technologies). It points out that as technology advances, so does the gap between technological sophistication and work actually performed; putting human capital strategies as the front-runner in the pursuit to reduce the same.

The trends pointed …show more content…

3) Talent Acquisition: This particular trend discusses the changes brought into the recruitment process. Technology comes to play a key role, with recruitment becoming more and more digital. Cognitive tools, video, gaming and social media tracking are few to be named. AI and other advancement could potentially take up tasks such as sourcing candidates. It discusses the dynamic shift of appealing to the employee and creating a positive candidate experience in order to draw in the best talent. Building psychological connection and strengthening the employment brand is also expected to be added to the HRM repertoire.
Such development could also mean the expansion of the HR team, the likes of which are yet not given prime importance.
4) Employee experience: With rising demand for talent, employee experience also turns out to be a highlight in the HRM scene and more importantly has the potential to be a critical competitive differentiator. The report states that engagement and culture form vital elements of the same. Furthering the argument, employee experience is compared to customer satdisfaction giving importance to real time feedback tools. Going beyond and monitoring health, productivity of employees and always-on feedback systems could be commonplace.
5) Performance Management: A facet of HRM that has been much discussed, experimented and continues to fall under the lens is that

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