
Essay On Open Choice

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The second most commonly referenced effort to reduce racial isolation in hyper-segregated White high schools involves participation in the Open Choice or A Better Chance Program. Of all the reported efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation by providing hyper-segregated White students the opportunity to interact with students from diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds, Project Choice and A Better Chance appear to be the most effective. Based on a review of Strategic School Profile and Performance and Profile Report narratives, in combination with discussions with principals at hyper-segregated White high schools, we determined that urban students participating in the Project Choice and Better Chance programs are subject to racial, ethnic, and/or economic isolation. These programs therefore provide hyper-segregated Minority students the opportunity to interact with racially, ethnically, and/or economically hyper-segregated White students. However, the number of students participating in Open Choice or A Better Chance programming is a small fraction of the overall student body in hyper-segregated White high schools. It is unclear from the data if and how Open Choice and A Better Chance students interact with the hyper-segregated White student body, and how many White students benefit from this interaction. Therefore, we conclude that the Open Choice and A Better Chance programs do not provide meaningful opportunities for all White students in hyper-segregated White high …show more content…

More research on the efficacy of the Open Choice program is needed before it can be determined if the program is having a positive impact on some, most, all, or none of the resident students in hyper-segregated White high

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