
Essay On Social Media

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Shrestha Sangam Shrestha GOVT 2305 Prof.
1 Sherry Sharifian 10/29/2017 Social Media and the USA Presidency Social media is defined as a form electronic communication through which people use to share information, messages, ideas, views, videos.
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Sherry Sharifian 10/29/2017 Social Media and the USA Presidency Social media is defined as a form electronic communication through which people use to share information, messages, ideas, views, videos
Source - Another student 's paper: Author: Lahana Maharjan; Submitted: Wed, Oct 25 2017, 11:52 PM; Filename: SLO2.docx
James Duran 10/25/2017 SLO 2 Social media and the USA presidency Social media is a form of electronic …show more content…

1 So, the elected leaders for the police department should be given trainings to use the social media properly. According to the National conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) NCSL spokesman Mick Bullock, the elected officials should be careful in this age of instant communication as something we put out right now can be worldwide is a matter if second. Ellen smith, press secretary for the Jacksonville, Florida Sheriff’s Office give advice that “these tools that can be very powerful from our smartphone and take a breadth of a person.” According to social media marketing firm and teaches crisis communications and social media law runner Gilmore, Glen, the authorized member who run the government or elected leaders account should know and pay attention before posting anything on the social media. 4 Also, Bullock stated that Government agencies and elected leaders needs to be very careful about who is authorized to do the posting. So, trainings should be given to the authorized user to use the social media. Otherwise, their single tweet can harm the elected leader also to their government (The PEW Charitable Trusts).
We know that the president of the USA, Donald Trump is active on the social media and giving his administration information to the people. He is the 45th president of the US. By looking his social media, we can see he utilize it to give the information about economy, environment, guns and so on. 1 On October 21,

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