
Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Birth Control

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The Effectiveness of Birth Control
Do you think that teenagers should have access to birth control ? Do you think they are responsible for any side effects ? Birth control is a way to prevent you from getting pregnant. Many teenagers need to understand that there is a way from not getting pregnant. In my opinion I believe that teenagers should use birth control because there would be less drop outs , reducing teen birth rate and better health benefits for womens. Teenagers should have access to birth control because it will cause less drop-outs, reduce the teen birth rate and the health benefit for women.
Teenagers should have access to birth control because reduces the teen birth rate. Only one out of every five teen mothers received any support from their child's father , 80% end up welfare. Drop out of school and are less likely to be able to support themselves. Only one would end up playing the role , they end up having to get wic , …show more content…

Bad news to see the growing disparity between the pregnancy rate of students in higher income white communities compared to power income communities to color. Approximately 70% of teenagers girls who give birth leaves school. Not everybody are open to the birth control products like others. They either leave schools so they can take of their kids or either were judge and like it. When having a kid you need to have time for them , as a student that has to go to school , work. Birth control could help them more. When they drop out of school , they likely face a life of economic in security ( Mangel ). Theses pregnancy rates play a key role in the significant disparity in high school graducation rates between these same groups of teen girls ( Mangel ). More than any other group of high school dropouts , girls who leave due to pregnancy report that would have stayed in school if they had recevied greater support from the adults at school ( Mangel

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