
Evil Embers Essay

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One of the most fundamental and basic philosophical questions that is frequently asked but never seems to evoke answers is what is the essence of good? What defines evil? These two auras dominate our world and culture, can be found in the most basic of conversation, from peasant to president, and yet no one can truly define them. In the poem “The Tyger” by William Blake, he makes an attempt to illustrate his feelings on evil and all that it represents. There is no definite answer given, yet a picture is painted to show us his thoughts and ponderings. His foresight and enlightened point of view only serve to further strengthen the knowledge of the reader on the mystical forces we have simply dubbed good and evil. It is extremely important …show more content…

Blake was constantly bombarded with such negative change, a palpable evil surrounding him. This is almost definitely the inspiration for a philosophical poem such as “The Tyger” (1794).When ones generation is defined by such an unruly ugly aura, it’s easy to understand how and why one would write about such a touchy subject as the essence of evil. It’s a topic rarely explored, rarely described, and rarely deciphered. But Mr. Blake does an excellent job of at least presenting a discussion point for this dangerous “evil.” The philosophical question is broken down into sub-sections, who created good and evil? What exactly is evil? Is it the absence of good? As all noteworthy philosophers do, Mr. Blake lays the question out for us to ponder ourselves, for one to answer in one’s own heart. The obvious best choice of analysis for a poem of such meaning and strength is to completely break down each and every stanza, discussing things as simplistic as meter and rhyme, diction and language, to a more in depth analysis of meaning and lessons. We must understand firstly that the speaker is not William Blake. Throughout all of Songs of Experience, a common narrator tells the stories of toil and struggle. A striking beginning draws the reader in, capturing the essence of “The Tyger.” “Tyger Tyger, burning bright!” We know that an

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