
Examples Of Gilgamesh As A Hero

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A hero in general is someone who stands foe strength, endurance, humbleness and shows great bravery. In our modern day society, we have many heroes, such as, firefighter, police officers, lifeguards, soldiers, doctors and even ordinary man and women whom risk their lives everyday. For example, soldiers fight wars on the borders of our country to keep civilians safe. Firefighter control deadly situations in spite of putting themselves in danger to save someone’s life. Ordinary men and women fight incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, mental and physical disabilities and still have the strength to face life with a positive approach. Heroes are everywhere in everyday life from movies to art and most importantly literature. Gilgamesh for a prime example is a classical hero. In The Epic of Gilgamesh by an anonymous author, a classical hero has a miraculous birth, often battles evil and has a tragic flaw. …show more content…

For one, he was born a son of a lugal, which constitutes his birth as a high one. Secondly, he was born two-thirds god and one-third human with extraordinary size, strength, and good looks. Due to Gilgamesh being born a demigod his strength and power is unnatural and no one could match him in combat. “Gilgamesh an Enkidu closed in upon him, until at last he begged for grace… they drew their swords and severed the horrible head from his giant frame (116).” Humbaba is the guardian of the sacred cedar forest. He was supposed to intimidate trespasser with his dark and fearsome appearance. However, since Gilgamesh was part mortal and part god he was able to seek immortal help from Shamash (Sun god) back home allowing him to defeat

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