
Is Gilgamesh A Hero

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Gilgamesh is not a hero to me. A hero is a person that makes a positive impact in people's life for the right reason. I know Gilgamesh does become a better person during the story,but I don't think he grew enough to become a hero. The story focus more on Gilgamesh's fails then growth. I simple don't believe he did enough for his people to become a hero. The first reason I don't believe Gilgamesh is a hero is because he killed Humbaba. I think for a hero, killing should be the last intention for a villain. The text said " Because of the evil that is in the land, we will go to the forest and destroy the evil, for in the forest lives.....". The text shows the intention of killing Humbaba even before Gilgamesh goes to him. I think a hero should always see the good in people no matter what. The text also shows the villain is not bothering the people. There was no point of messing with the Humbaba. Gilgamesh is doing it for he's own good. Before the text Gilgamesh talks about how he wants his name written where the famous names are. The hero doesn't always benefit from the task. For example Batman doesn't benefit from capturing and keeping villains. …show more content…

The text said " She said , "My father, Gilgamesh has heaped insults on me, he has told over all my abominable behavior, my foul and hideous acts." A hero should give everyone a equal chance regardless of their past. The past doesn't determine the present. Gilgamesh past wasn't perfect , but he is growing toward becoming a better person. So, why couldn't Gilgamesh give Ishtar a chance with her imperfect past. For example, in Suicide Squad all the people were villains but they got another chance to save the world in a positive impact and they actual completed the

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