
Examples Of Loneliness In Catcher In The Rye

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Many people in life often seek a companion and search for friendship, others at the same time experience depression and loneliness due to a traumatic event in their lives. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield, experiences such events and embarks on a journey for a new companion. After the death of his brother Allie and growing distant from his best friend Jane, Holden falls into a state of depression and loneliness while he searches for a new companion who fits all of his needs; however, he soon finds a new companion with his little sister Phoebe. Before the novel starts, Holden suffers the loss of his little brother Allie and becomes detached from his partner Jane Gallagher, making Holden depressed, desperate, and nostalgic of his life from the past as his perfect world alters beyond his control. Due to Holden’s previous …show more content…

As Holden stays in his hotel in New York City, he starts to get “very depressed, I keep saying to him, ‘Okay. Go home and get your bike and meet me in front of Bobby's house. Hurry up.’ It wasn't that I didn't use to take him with me when I went somewhere. I did. But that one day, I didn't. He didn't get sore about it--he never got sore about anything-- but I keep thinking about it anyway, when I get very depressed” (Salinger 99). Holden feels guilty about his past and regrets not giving his brother the childhood that he deserves. Holden still has a deep connection with his younger sibling Allie despite him being dead. Holden’s past life, which Holden sees as perfect, strips away from him and becomes the root of his feelings of depression. Holden thinking about his brother causes him to become “very depressed.” His depression motivates him to try and grasp on to the past and causes him to become desperate to relive the past. He describes Allie

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