
Examples Of Oedipus Complex In Hamlet

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Hamlet’s Oedipal Complex

As seen and supported several times with evidence throughout Hamlet, it seems that Claudius and Gertrude are convinced Hamlet has gone crazy due to his love for Ophelia. Hamlet shows signs of this supposed craziness through his several indecisive actions and choices in taking revenge on Claudius and his unnatural relationship that he develops with Ophelia. Hamlet’s indecisive actions, inability to kill his uncle, and unnatural relationship with Ophelia are fueled by his Oedipus Complex, a repressed sexual desire for his mother.
The Oedipal Complex was first developed by Sigmund Freud, the theory revolves around the idea that certain individuals have a hidden desire for sexual interaction with a parent of the opposite …show more content…

Hamlet’s father is murdered by his uncle, Hamlet's uncle then married Hamlet’s mother. By killing Hamlet’s father and winning over Gertrude as his, the uncle has already done what Hamlet himself wished to do. The ghost of Hamlet’s father appears to seek out Hamlet and tells him to avenge the murder by killing his uncle (1.5.25-27,). However, Hamlet spends most of the play delaying and making excuses. Although he does manage to gather some concrete evidences of it being true after playing The Murder of Gonzago. Hamlet sees an easy opportunity to kill Claudius, “Now might I do it pat, now he is praying, And now I'll do 't. [He draws his sword.] And so he goes to heaven,” (3.3.77-83). However hamlet sees Claudius praying as a reason not to kill him, thinking if he does he will go to heaven.
Hamlet is able to do anything-except take vengance on the man who did away with his father and took that father’s place with his mother, the man who shows him the repressed wishes of his own childhood realized. Thus the loathing that should drive him on to revenge is replaced in him by self reproaches, by scruples of conscience, which remind him that he himself is literally not better than the sinner whom he is to punish. (Freud

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