
Is Hamlet Sane Or Insane Essay

Decent Essays

One of William Shakespeare's most well- known characters is Hamlet. This story has a great plot and entices the reader throughout the entire play. A controversial part of the play is whether the main character Hamlet is sane or insane. Readers may argue that Hamlet is insane, but, due to his cunning remarks and decisive plans, Hamlet is not mad, but instead completely sane. The astute statements and remarks that Hamlet says throughout the play prove that he is completely sane. Hamlet does indeed act mad throughout the play, but it is only an act to prove that Claudius killed King Hamlet. “I am essentially not in madness, but mad in craft” (3.4.187-188). Hamlet is admitting that he has been acting mad, but that it is by his will, which shows that is in control of his actions. Also, after Hamlet kills Polonius, Hamlet gives clever hints to where Polonius’s body is hidden, something that an insane person would be incapable of doing. “Where is Polonius? In heaven. Send thither to see. If …show more content…

Hamlet’s plan from the beginning is to act insane to draw attention to the royal family, and his plan eventually works. “Something have you heard of Hamlet’s transformation” ( 2.2.3-4). When people start to notice that Hamlet was going insane, more attention is focused on the king and queen than before the incident. Also, even Ophelia believes that he is mad: this leads to her being watched over by her father, and eventually leads to her suicide when she drowns herself. He is such a good actor that even his mother thinks that he is insane. “O, he is mad, Laertes” (5.1.272). Gertrude is more in love with Claudius than she is with Hamlet. This is proven when she jumps to Claudius’s side when he was accused of murder and immediately rats out Hamlet. Hamlet could be accused of being insane, but in the end his plan works out which proves that he is sane and in his right

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