
Is Hamlet Insane Essay

Decent Essays

The novel by William Shakespeare is a very famous piece of literature. There is a lot of controversy on whether or not Hamlet is truly insane. Everything he does throughout the whole play is well thought out in great detail. In my opinion I believe Hamlet is actually not insane but rather an intelligent person that thought everything through in great detail. Some of the things he does have good and reliable reasons to be done.
Hamlet has had to cope with a lot of different things way to fast. In the beginning of the play he sees the ghost of his dead father and is actually able to have a conversation with him. After his father was murdered everyone thought it was an accident but Hamlet knew the truth because the ghost told him it was …show more content…

Everything Hamlet does is a plot to make everyone around him think he is insane so he can still get revenge on Claudius and everyone who was part of the murder of King Hamlet. Everything that hinted towards him being insane, like thinking about suicide, was just a ploy to trick everyone into thinking he was crazy. He even stated to his best friend that he was going to fake his inanity to distract people. Hamlet tells Horatio “How strange or odd soe'er I bear myself, (As I perchance hereafter shall think meet, To put an antic disposition on), That you, at such times seeing me, never shall— With arms encumbered thus, or this headshake, Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase,” he is telling him that no matter what he cannot let anyone know that he is acting crazy. When Ophelia calls him crazy, he insures her that he is actually not crazy at all but smart.
When King Hamlet passes away everyone seemed to want to just forget about him and act like he never existed, including Queen Gertrude. That would explain why Hamlet really wants to get revenge on Claudius so bad. He wants his father to still have some sort of legacy and not just be thrown away like a piece of trash. Since Claudius became king he just shows his true self more and more which makes Hamlet angrier and his sense for revenge stronger.
When Ophelia commits suicide and Hamlet danced on her grave everyone thought he was truly insane but in

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