
Examples Of The HCAHPS Survey

Decent Essays

PROBLEM SOLUTION With patients today using the threat of reporting low satisfaction rates in the hopes of receiving faster or higher quality care, they seem to have taken the upper hand in some of the decision making of what will take place in the healthcare world (Sullivan). But is it really the survey results that will make the drastic changes that are needed? Patients do not understand the repercussions we will eventually see if the industry continues to utilize the HCAHPS survey. It effects how hospitals are reimbursed for a lot of standards they are required to meet. Also, so many employers today take this survey into consideration when it comes to paying their employees. Providers will continue to concentrate on the results they receive, and the downward spiral will continue. They will make decisions on patient care in relation to this in order just to please them or their family members. Does giving the patient what they think is best really the best practice for …show more content…

These are usually the people that fill out the surveys stating that they waited too long, or they were not treated fairly. As one article quotes “Patients can be very satisfied and dead an hour later. Sometimes hearing bad news is not going to result in a satisfied patient, yet the patient could be a well-informed, prepared patient” (Robbins, 2015). Patient education encompassing everything healthcare is key. Not just how to take care of their sutures, proper wound care, or dosing instructions on their new medications; but they need to be fully informed of the process it takes in the busy emergency rooms, and why some patients get prioritized over others. The power needs to be taken out of their hands from rating hot meals as a gradient of medical care. They need to be truly rating the provider’s bedside manner and the outcome of their

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