
Experience, Formal Training And Internship

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I will demonstrate that the knowledge I have obtained through life experience, formal training and internship has equipped me to meet the course objectives listed for MBTS class U-CE405: Making Disciples CCC. In my early twenties, after a yearlong process of reading my Bible, I became a born again Christian. What followed was a tremendous journey filled with unbelief, discouragement and culminating finally with true faith. A year later the Lord called me into full time ministry, so in the fall of I995 I enrolled at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO. During my time at BBC, I not only learned of the deficiencies of most people’s view of discipleship, but I began a long journey in realizing my own. Over the course of 20 years many great men have met me “at the fork in the road” moments in the quest for biblical discipleship. Men such as Dr. Arthur Escobar taught me to love Jesus and the Bible, Dr. Steve Schrader taught me that even great Hebrew scholars will put everything aside to mentor young men and Brother Doug Shivers taught me that sound theology matters. Perhaps most importantly it was what Jesus said that made the most impact, “Go and make disciples of all the nations and teach them to observe all that I have commanded.” Observe/obey what Jesus commanded--this is the operative word. Obey Jesus, put in the simplest of ways means to “follow me”. As outlined in the four course objectives I will show that my life experiences indeed meet the course

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