
Explain The Importance Of A Child Or Young Person-Centred Approach

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It is important to safeguard children and young people because no one deserves to be abused whether it be emotional, physical, sexual abuse and no young person deserves to be neglected and we have a duty to protect them from harm.
Every child deserves to live in peace and have no harm or abuse come to them.
If we protect children from harm they are more likely to grow up into confident members of society. Children with a disability are three times more likely to experience abuse and neglect and it’s up to us as practitioners to recognise the signs and symptoms to protect all children.
It is important for the children at my workplace to feel safe and protected from any harm or neglect and we show that we support them though these situations.

2.2. Explain the importance of a child or young person-centred approach. The importance of young persons centred approach is to understand that every child is different. The framework of Every Child Matters was arranged and set up to support the joining up of services to ensure every child can achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes.
Support is offered to children to enable them to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. All services are aimed at young people and are based around each individual needs. Children’s wishes should be considered during decision making to give them a sense of belonging and not to be made to feel as though its them who’s to blame

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