
Fall And Middle Range Theory

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Fall and Middle Range Theory Falls are one of the major patient safety problems that every facility encounter on a day to day basis. An aging patient population, combined with multiple diagnosis and medications are prime contributing factors for patient fall. Other contributing factors are shortage of nursing and auxiliary staff, ineffective work environment and shortage of appropriate equipment. According to the Joint Commission around 30-50 percent of the falls happening in the hospitals have resulted in injury to the patients. Since Joint Commission started keeping records of fall from 1995 to 2012, it has been reported that there were 659 fall related death or permanent disability, which were voluntarily reported as a …show more content…

During hourly rounds assess the patients pain level and take necessary intervention to alleviate pain, reposition patients who need assistance and make sure that urinals and call light and telephone are within reach of the patient. Taking care of these needs in a timely manner will make the patient comfortable, which will reduce anxiety and stress levels in the patient and reduce the risk of falls. The nurse should always make sure that the environment is safe for the patient by keeping the area clutter free. Comfort measures like tightening the wrinkled bed, giving warm blanket, changing moist dressings or repositioning the tubes or other objects that bothering the patient can enhance their comfort level Monitor high risk patients with delirium, dementia, hypotension, medications, and other conditions which can increase the risk of fall. Providing safety companions for continuous observation and to help the patients will reduce the number of falls. Nurses should educate and encourage patients to use the call light and phone to call for help. Provide patients with appropriate assistive devices like cane, walker as needed to keep them steady. I believe the concept in this theory of comfort can be utilized to reduce the occurrence of falls in health care settings.
Borrowed Theory Humanistic Theory of human needs is a psychological theory based on human needs, was developed by Abraham Maslow, his Hierarchy

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