
Literature Review On Fall Prevention

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The following paper is a written critique of the following research article “Improving the evaluation of risk of fall through clinical supervision: an evidence” (Cruza, Carvalhoa, Lopesb, 2016). The purpose of this critique is to analyze, evaluate, and review each section of the above stated quantitative research article. This quantitative, descriptive and correlational study focuses on improving patient safety and quality of nursing care by improving the evaluation of a patients' fall risk using the Morse Fall Scale (MFS) assessment tool in practice under the implementation of a clinical supervision model. (CS)
Keywords: Clinical Supervision Patient Safety Quality of Care Nurses Risk of Fall Morse Fall Scale

Quantitative Article Critique: Falls
Problem and Purpose
During hospitalizations, falls are amongst the highest preventable consistent adverse events. Preventing such undesirable events, enhances patient overall experience, as well as increased trust in the health care professional team (Fragata, 2011). The importance of fall prevention lies with the many serious unfavorable health outcomes it can pose on the patient. Falls have the potential increase length of hospital stay, limit mobility, independence, but can ultimately lead to health deterioration, including death. Worldwide, falls are the second leading cause of accidental death. In addition to the life-threatening health and safety risks falls have to the patient, it also as a financial impact,

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