
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Case Study

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throughout the full thirty eight weeks of a pregnancy. The most severe cases of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are typically linked to alcohol consumption within the first trimester of pregnancy, more specifically the first few weeks after conception which can often be before the woman even knows she is pregnant. Physical deformities are the easiest to detect initially and are the first indication that a fetus may have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Abnormal facial features include small head, low nasal bridge, small eye openings, flat midface, epicanthal folds, thin upper lip, smooth philtrum, underdeveloped jaw, and short nose. Other physical characteristics include deformed limbs and lower/smaller (less than 10th percentile) than average height, weight, and head circumference (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). …show more content…

Other symptoms that lead to a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome diagnosis cannot be identified at birth but may be recognized later on in life when these features become more prominent; these would include any cognitive or developmental symptoms that may not be noticeable at birth or in the early stages of life. Cognitive or developmental symptoms can cause problems as the child grows older and they begin to integrate into their community and start school. A more serious outcome of prenatal alcohol exposure is miscarriage, stillbirth, or a baby born prematurely. Premature babies’ lungs are not yet fully developed by the time they need to start using them so they may not be able to breathe on their own yet. They also may not have enough fat on them yet to regulate their body temperature or have heart defects like ventricular septal defect or atrial septal

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