
Food Journal Questions : Health 100

Decent Essays

Food Journal Questions – Victor Yoshua Health 100
1. What could you improve within your diet? Be detailed. There are always things to improve on. Minimum 2 separate areas to improve on: 4 sentences EACH area. 8 pts.
One area that I could improve in my diet is the nutritional area. In my diet, I’ve been consuming a lot of sodium throughout the week. This mainly comes from the food that is easier to cook (instant food) and very convenient. Using the application, it shows how most of my days in a week exceed the sodium goals by quite a significant amount. Since consuming a lot amount of this can affect the blood pressure I should reduce it. By knowing the sources, which is instant food, I should be able to recognize it easily. To improve my diet I should reduce eating instant noodle and tend to eat more balanced nutrients (protein, carbohydrates) type of food.
Besides the excessive amount of sodium intake, to improve my diet I should also do more exercise. Exercise is one of the things that could bring a lot of benefits to our body. From my experience, exercise helps me a lot by keeping my body fit and fresh. But since I got here, I feel like I have this unwillingness to exercise. Throughout the whole week, the only thing considered exercising is walking to the bus, which is like in front of my apartment building and running to class. This should be my main area to focus on other than nutritional value. I could improve it by setting the fixed amount of time for my age range

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