
Free Will In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The deaths of Romeo and Juliet were freewill because of the choices they decided to make along the way.There was many times throughout the story where Romeo and Juliet could have prevented their deaths. For instance, Romeo could have handled Tybalt better, Juliet followed the priest plan, and finally it was Romeos free will to kill himself. Romeo could have handled Tybalt better because as Romeo steps in while Tybalt and Mercutio were fighting Mercutio gets stabbed on the arm under Romeo's arm. Romeo states “Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!” (3.1 85-89). It was Romeo's freewill to jump in while they were fighting and because he jumped in Mercutio got stabbed. As Romeo's best friend Mercutio dies, he decides to fight back he states “And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now! Now, Tybalt take the “villain” back again” (3.1 122-123). Romeo didn't want to fight at first but he wanted to kill Tybalt for killing his best friend which was his choice he could have just walked away but he didn't, which caused him to be exiled.So, it was Romeo’s free will to fight back and kill Tybalt even though he didn't want to he did and it was his choice. …show more content…

So, Juliet decides to talk to Friar Laurence and he gives her a sleeping potion and a plan. She states “Give me,give me! Oh tell not me of fear!” (4.1 121). It was Juliet's freewill to go talk to Friar Laurence and follow his plan she should have just married Paris and not make a huge deal about it. Furthermore, Juliet goes along with Friar Laurence plan and sleeps alone that night Juliet states “And let Nurse this sit up with you”(4.1 137). As she tells her mom to let her sleep alone that night she drinks the potion it was her freewill to drink it she could have just accepted the fact that Romeo was exiled and moved

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