
Friar Lawrence Guilty

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Many people read tragedies throughout their lifetime, and they wonder why this awful tragedy has occurred. Often times, a character causes this unfortunate demise. William Shakespeare’s famous play Romeo and Juliet tells of a tragedy between two lovers, where the two star-crossed lovers die in the end. Readers and analysts have pondered the thought of who did it. Friar Lawrence is an obvious reason for the unfortunate demise of Romeo and Juliet because he marries the two star-crossed lovers, helps Juliet escape the marriage to Paris, and fails to send Romeo a sign that Juliet faked her death. Friar Lawrence is guilty because of his affiliation with the wedding between Romeo and Juliet. When Romeo is banished from Verona, Juliet was being forced to marry Count Paris. Juliet tries to avoid this and asks Friar for advice. Friar tells …show more content…

Friar Lawrence imprudently agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, even though he knows that it will cause later consequences. At first, Friar thinks that “For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households rancor to pure love” (2.3.98-99), meaning that he thinks the marriage will bring about peace to the two opposed families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Immediately, however, he tells Romeo,” Wisely and slowly, they stumble that run fast” (2.3.101). Friar Lawrence warns Romeo that if he is too hasty, then it leads to bad consequences. Friar Lawrence is clearly aware that if he and he alone marries the two, then their marriage will collapse, yet he decides to marry Romeo and Juliet. This causes both of them to sink into depression after Romeo gets banished from the city of Verona, his home town. Without Friar Lawrence, the two would not have married, which would not lead to their depression and further

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