
Frida Kahlo Analysis

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In a world full of pain today, many choice to ignore it or rather bottle it up and showcase it on a shelf which gives it a sort of control over a person. Yet throughout time there have been certain individuals who have truly captured there pain instead of letting their pain control them. One of these individuals would include a certain painter by the name Frida Kahlo and one painting in particular named "Diego and I" showcases her greatest pain, a love that was never meant to be.
Frida Kahlo having to fight since the beginning of her life to survive and overcome many physical pains, she could never prepare herself for the world's greatest pain, a heartache. Some pains that she carried when she was younger were, that she had contracted polio at the …show more content…

Frida came to Diego one day and asked him to see her painting and upon him noticing her talent he would stay close to her. Frida never having anyone support or be there for her fell madly in love with Diego Rivera, a known painter for his work during the Mexican mural movement. Despite her parents disapproval the two would get married and live together for a long time. Frida before finding out about his secrete affaires, would paint portraits such as " Diego on my Mind" which when analyzing one can see how obsess she had become for her lover Diego. In this particular portrait Frida is wearing the traditional Tehuana costume that Diego greatly admired and loved, while wearing leaves as a crown and Diego's head of her forehead. She wore the Tehuana costume to entice Diego closer to her and when paying close attention one can see that the roots of the leaves make a sort of spider-web in which one can only assume she will catch and hold her lover in. There is no doubt that Frida was obsess with Diego and nothing would take him out of her mind, not even when he was known as a

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