
Frida Kahlo The Broken Column Analysis

Decent Essays

"The Broken Column" Frida Kahlo
The Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo is best known for her profound artwork and iconic likeness to the artist. She explores the ideas of gender, nationality, class, politics, etc. The emotional intensity and imaginative aspects of her artwork led many to label Frida as a surrealist. Although accepting this label, Frida distinguishly noted that her paintings are not of dream worlds, like other surrealists, but of her own reality. Frida Kahlo’s “The Broken Column” has influenced how I view myself and the world around me through its depiction of spiritual tranquility and physical anguish.
In “The Broken Column” Frida expresses anguish and suffering in a straightforward manner as we see metal nails piercing Frida’s face, arms, breasts, torso, and what we can assume is her upper thigh underneath a white sheet. Frida has duplicated herself bound and constrained in what appears to be a body brace. At Frida’s torso is a fissure like split allowing us to view an exposed broken column in place of her spine. The column itself seems to be weak and on the verge of collapsing to ruble. The landscape behind Frida seems to be barren with areas of dark ravines. The tears on her face almost seem out of place in the sense that her facial expression remains calm, reserved and strong. Her whole body seems to be supported only by the brace wrapped around body and yet she shows spiritual triumph. We see this in how we can see she's in physical anguish, and yet she looks straight ahead and challenges both herself and the audience to face her situation.
Frida's artwork has always interested me in many ways. Her paintings are so much more than self-portraits and surrealism. She illustrates her life and the struggles she goes through, even if most would like to ignore the darker aspects of life. The theme of suffering permeates Frida’s self-portraits and often explicitly comprises their subject matter. She visually depicts physical and psychological struggles through the distortions of her body, which is fragmented, doubled, turned inside-out, and merged with non-human elements. She shows me that I can be strong through life even when I'm hurting physically and emotionally. Frida challenged herself and her

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