
How Frida Kahlo's Experiences Influences Her Artwork

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Frida Kahlo was an amazing woman whose many tragedies influenced her to put her stories into her paintings. She was born in July 6th 1907 to a Mexican Roman Catholic mother who was of Indian and Spanish decent and a German photographer father. Frida had three sisters, Mitilde and Adriana, who were older and Christina who was younger. She learned about Mexican history, art and architecture by looking at her father’s photography. When Frida was six she got polio and it was a long time before she would heal completely. After surviving polio, Frida’s right leg became weak and thin, so her father encouraged her to play sports to help her. Frida was a very smart girl even though she missed a lots of school due to the polio. She had a …show more content…

It showed her distaste of the United States in its industrial period which seemed very dirty and dull with the beauty of her beloved homeland with its vibrant colors and Aztec ruins. Another great painting she did was called “My Dress Hangs Here”. This painting, done during the Great Depression, also showed how unhappy Frida was in New York City. The dress alone without Frida in it shows of the way she felt wasn’t there and didn’t belong. It also shows how she saw America in its industrialism with all the big factory buildings and the trash can filled with over flowing trash. Frida did not like the fact that she and other famous people were still having parties and hanging out like nothing was happening. This made her long for her Mexico even more.
Finally after 3 years, Frida and Diego moved back to Mexico. This was a time when Frida and Diego fought and argued a lot. Some of Frida’s greatest paintings would be painted during this time. Being back in Mexico allowed Frida to show how talented she truly was when Diego wasn’t always in the spot light, like he was when they were in the United States.
Not only did she paint on canvas, she also painted on metals and wood which was going back to the roots of Mexican artwork. At this time she had to have more surgeries due to health problems from the accident earlier in her life. She also found out she could not have any children. These

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