
How Did Frida Kahlo Change The World

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Frida Kahlo Changed The World
Frida Kahlo´s image has been exploited for several years, now a days it is quite easy to find: rings, phone cases, t-shirts, among several other products, all with images of Frida´s art. As a result, this got me wondering on, what made this Mexican artist worthy of such success? What did she do that was considered so important? There are many answers to those questions because Frida Kahlo made a significant impact in the world not only because of her artistic style but also, with her way of living.
Frida was against the feminine ideals that were imposed on her by society as a result she became an important feminist icon. Kahlo was often, and still is, criticized by her facial hair, what is admirable about her is that despite how much negative opinions she experienced, she kept her head held high, she was proud of her unibrow …show more content…

Her paintings expressed topics that where consider taboos in the 1930´s, for example, in her painting “Henry Ford Hospital” she expressed the physical and emotional pain a women haves to go through when it comes to the miscarriage of a child. She is inspiring to women because, she didn’t censored herself with art and the topics covered with it, this helped women understand themselves in higher level.
Her paintings represented “the cultural nationalism of [Mexico]” (Meadows). She had a strong artistic style in which she showed her Mexican patriotism and her communist ideals. In addition, she also made political statements on the U.S. and the industrialization.
Kahlo was an important figure of her time; she opened barriers for women in the art world, as well as with women who felt like they had to conform to society’s gender roles. It is amazing how Frida continues to impact generations, and will continue to do

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