
General Systems Theory: Schizophrenia

Good Essays

This assignment uses the case study set out in Appendix A as its foundation. The case study presents a 38 year-old man, Robert, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22. Robert and his parents are participating in a family therapy session.
The essay explores the challenges and opportunities Robert faces in the context of the family, from a general systems theory (GST) perspective. The scope of this assignment gives room to focus on a limited number of GST concepts. It focuses on Von Bertalanffy’s concepts of the active system, boundaries and differentiation. Each of the concepts is explored in terms of the challenges and opportunities that they bring to the patient and to the family system.

The multidisciplinary theory of general systems was developed by biologist Von Bertalanffy in a response to his frustration with the conventional thinking of the time, namely that growth and …show more content…

The system is composed of a core triad (Robert, his mother and his father), and a related system (the brother and his family). It involves the relationship between Robert and each of his parents individually, as well as Robert and the mother-father subsystem. Because Robert’s brother does not live nearby, his family operates as a separate, yet connected, system which only infrequently interacts with the core triad. This infrequent contact disrupts the equilibrium that has been established within the core triad. This increases levels of tension within the system.
The family therapist’s goal is to increase the functionality of the dysfunctional family system. Simply put, the desired outcome is for a more functional family system by reducing the systems tension. The family therapy approach therefore aims to change the patterns of behaviour fostered by the family that have repeatedly negative outcomes. This represents the challenge as well as the opportunity faced not only by the therapist, but also by Robert and his

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