
Generalized Anxiety Disorders Case Study Essay

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Mary, appears to be a young college student, who lives alone. Her parents visit her occasionally at her apartment. Mary is not dating or in any serious relationships, because she has a fear of boys. Mary, was told by her doctor, that she has borderline hypertension However, her condition can be corrected through diet been told of having borderline high blood pressure, but can be corrected with proper diet and exercise. Nonetheless, she is in constant worry about not being good enough. Mary does not participate in any alcohol consumption, and in general has a healthy family medical history, besides her recent diagnosis, and is not currently on any medication. Mary is in good health otherwise. Explanation of any concerns According to …show more content…

Mary displays with generalized anxiety disorder, therefore Benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam or alprazolam, may relieve some of her anxiety and improve and improve her ability to cope to maintain a sense of balance in her life. In addition, Mary would also benefit from cognitive therapy; and learn how to manage her worries in effective problem-solving techniques. Mary would include stress management, cognitive-behavioral treatment, relaxation training, meditation, and psychotherapy (Preston, O’Neal, & Talagap.116, 2017). In addition to Mary’s treatment strategy, exercise as indicated by her family doctor would be beneficial since she has no other coexisting disorder. Nevertheless, educational teachings for both Mary and her family would allow them to understand the dynamics of anxiety disorders.

Justification of generalized anxiety treatment strategy Generalized anxiety disorders, rarely need pharmacological intervention, unless the symptoms a client are severe. The severity of symptoms often has, reoccurring imaginary thoughts and trigger the limbic system. Clients and or patients usually suffer insomnia, daytime agitation, restlessness, and impaired concentration (Preston, O’Neal, & Talaga, 2017). Conversely, Mary denies any of these symptoms. Moreover, due to the feeling of chronic nervousness medication would not be excluded in her treatment plan in addition to

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