
Genetically Food And Drug Administration Regulates Labeling Of Genetically Modified Food

Decent Essays

Genetically engineered has foreign genes inserted into their genetic code. In 1973 the idea of a man made DNA or rDNA came from Stanford University from a grad student. Also Professor Herbert Boyer and some of his biologist friends decided to try it. 75 percent of our processed food that U.S. produce contain some genetically modified ingredients. Some of this are crackers, breakfast cereal, and some cooking oils. Mostly everything that contains soy or corn even high fructose corn syrup have at least been genetically modified. Some of the most common type of genetically modified foods are Corn, soy, yellow crookneck squash, zucchini, alfalfa, canola, sugar beets, cotton, and Hawaiian papaya. The food and drug administration regulates labeling of genetically modified food. So some people have concern about not labeling the genetically engineered food. They are concerned because what if a genetic of peanut is inserted into a tomato and a person who is allergic to peanut eats it. Does that make the person eating the tomato also allergic to that tomato would he be able to eat it. Expert say that about 60 to 70 percent of the genetically engineered food that are in the United State grocery shelf. In a survey nearly 9 out of 10 scientist from the American Association for the advance of science say genetically modified food are generally safe to eat. Today they are at least twenty six countries that partially or totally banned genetically modified food. Some of them are China,

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