
Genetically Modified Foods Controversy

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the rise in advanced technology, Genetically Modified Foods were engineered and created. Not only were they new in the sense that it provided an easier source of growing, but it also brought ,with it, a new controversy across the world. Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are created by moving a gene from one animal to another. An example of this would be moving the gene of an Icefish to a tomato to give the tomato a longer shelf life. GMOs were intended to help increase food production and help foods last longer however, GMOs have become very controversial because of their potential health and environmental effects. GMOs could have detrimental effects on the population and on the Earth. How exactly are foods genetically engineered? Genetic engineering could be compared to the knock-off products from China. They look like the original but are a risk for people to use …show more content…

The way that genes are transferred could leave the organism dead or alive. Vertical engineering is natural while horizontal engineering is artificial. Genetic engineering is artificial at its core. There is no way to change that fact. Because of its “fake” nature, it could cause much harm to the environment and the health of the people.Genes work together to help the organism survive. Vertical gene transfer is natural because the genes are placed where they are supposed to be. Unlike vertical gene transfer, horizontal gene transfer can lead to harmful effects because of its unpredictability. “Whole sets of genes are turned on and off in order to arrive at a particular organism, and the entire orchestration is an activated genome. It's a dangerous mistake to assume a gene's traits are expressed properly, regardless of where they're inserted.”(Marcelo) The gene placed into an organism may kill the host rather than help it survive. There may also be a chance that the transferred gene could harm the people eating the modified crop or

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