
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )

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American science-fiction writer Ramez Naam once said, “I support GMOs. And we should label them. We should label them because that is the very best thing we can do for public acceptance of agricultural biotech. And we should label them because there 's absolutely nothing to hide”. I agree with Mr. Naam in that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not something the world should fear, but rather something the general public should embrace. Countries should not ban GMO products nor write legislation prohibiting the research or manufacture of GMO products as they provide vital benefits to the world. Among these benefits are producing high-yield, highly-nutritional crops and livestock for impoverished regions of the world, producing crops that can aid small/impoverished farmers, and producing vital medicinal products. Much of the opposition towards Genetically Modified Organisms comes from lack of information of false information. In essence, GMOs “are living things--microorganisms, plants, or animals--that do not occur naturally. They are the product of genetic engineering, a scientific process that alters the biological makeup of a species, or combines genetic material from one species with that of another species. The goal is to create organisms that possess desirable characteristics, such as resistance to plant diseases in a food crop” (Source 1). Many people view GMOs as produced in a laboratory by cold, unfeeling scientists, and GMO foods have earned the nickname

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