
Geogram And Ecomaps

Decent Essays

Throughout this entire semester, I have gained a lot of knowledge as it pertains to genograms and ecomaps. I would look at videos just to understand how to actually put the geogram and the ecomap together so that it may be beneficial to me in the near future. This essay paper will be a break down into how I was able to understand what a geogram and a ecomap is and how I was able to put it together to the best of my ability. I learned that a geonogram is a tool to display an individual family tree. An ecomap is a display of informal and formal systems in the child’s background. Both can be information gathered about an individual’s mother, father, children, caregiver, network, or even someone outside the family. In the beginning process, a counselor, …show more content…

We need both the geogram and the ecomap so that it can help a counselor with certain context, prospective, and references into an individual history. The genogram is a tool that could help coolect information about a particular families structure and patterns within the family over a course of time. Developing a genogram with any family members could identify other family members in the individuals life style. For example, those who actually cared for the individual, those he/she ran into in the past, and those the individual will run into later on in the future. The ecomap helpls counselors assess certain resources and other systems as far as the individual’s mother, caregiver, brother, sister, etc… Both the genogram and the ecomap could work so well together that both could provide and engagement to someone within the two. Also, both the genogram and the ecomap could bring closer to one that could experience a possible reunion of someone in the family. By seeing who is all in the family and where they started and ended at, that individual could go to that particular brother, sister, or even cousin to ask particular …show more content…

Married couples are to be indicated with a solid line connecting the square and the circle with a “M” for married and also put down how many years the couple has been married. If a couple has gone through a separation or a divorce, then it should have a double slash through the solid line with an “S” and a date of the separation or a “D”. If there are intimate couples then it should be indicated with a dotted line. Even affairs should be shown with a dotted line. The children as well are indicated with a circle, square, or triangle (if the individual can’t remember the sex). Children that are born with a couple, should be indicated with a line that connects the parents. It should also be shown the name of the child and the age. Finally, a deceased member of the family should be indicated with an “X” over the circle, square, or triangle while putting the year of the passing and

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