
Mgt 311 Week 9 Final Paper

Decent Essays

Question 2 A genogram is a tool that is used in counseling to plot a client’s family of origin. Not only plotting like one would a family tree but also experiences that occurred within the family. According to Corey and Corey (2014) a genogram can start simple and then can become complex picture of a family and issues and struggles within a family. Making a genogram can enhance one’s training as a helping professional by laying out points in a person’s life and family that have caused distress and could affect practice in the future. By self realizing the crisis points in one’s family it can help to identify triggers that could lead to countertransference as well as resurfacing of old traumas during counseling or leading a group. Plotting out one’s life is a way to organize a family especially if there are multiple marriages of parents and non-traditional family ties within a standard family tree. By knowing where you come from and the experiences that shape your family you can better …show more content…

One potential benefit could be that a person could chart out their family in a genogram and see their family and family crisis as a whole. Most people see family crisis and events as individual occurrences however it has potential to be extremely therapeutic to see everything from a holistic approach. Seeing how everything fits together and intertwines to make us who we are can be beneficial as we process areas that we may not have seen before only looking at circumstances individually. A potential negative that could result to making a genogram is that it is very time consuming to make. You could risk time with a client to make a genogram that could be spent completing other therapeutic techniques and processes. Also a potential negative would be if you accidently left someone out of your genogram. This could be intentional or unintentionally left out because of lack of information or

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