
Gestures Are Inherent Elements Of The Body Language

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Admittedly, gestures are inherent elements of the body language. They intensify verbal communication and fulfill a lot of functions in communicating. Gestures explain ambiguous words, descriptions. Also can illustrate a various emotional status: aggression – clenched hands in a fist; fear – touch of face; abashment – scratching; tiredness – rub of the forehead.(Marzena, Kalkowska – Neyman, 3).
In which situation we can clearly see gestures? Of course everywhere in the every time. They are around us, and when the conversation is not possible, then we use gestures: in loud places, army, sports refereeing or during the diving.
Some gestures are complex and was used as a medium of complicated communications, and these kind of “conversation” is among the deaf people. They cannot speak like normal humans and that’s why they used gestures and agreed signals: this is the sign language.
Gestures are various in the whole planet. In different nations some of them can be accepted and read as a positive, in another can be dangerous. People must pay attention which of them is used in respective countries.

1.4 Posture …show more content…

Normally it determines the position toward other people, and was going hand in hand with other nonverbal signals. It indicates people’s attention or involvement with each other or may specify the level of liking someone. Mark Knapp gives us an example of forward leaning posture which may indicate a sympathy, interest and positive emotional status of the person. Often they accompanied smile or look. The position of the body is not clear to read as gestures or other type of body language, but when someone is really tired – we can see that with the naked eye (Mark Knapp, Judith Hall, 2007, 9). How position of body we assume mostly depend on the cultural pattern.(Argyle M,

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