
Gilgamesh Archetypal Hero

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All great heros have a special quality about them. Whether it be a superhero, a mythical hero, or even just a regular person with great moral values, Gilgamesh is no exception when it comes to exemplifying characteristics of being an archetypal hero. In The Epic of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh possesses supernatural abilities that the gods granted him, such as being ⅔ god and ⅓ man, goes on a challenging quest by foot that tests how far he will go to achieve immortality, and comes across many supernatural worlds, the main one being Utnapishtim’s dwelling.
Just like any other archetypal hero, Gilgamesh has often been described as having unnatural powers such as being more godly than manly. In fact, N.K. Sanders even wrote in his prologue,“When the gods

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