
Glo-Bus Participant’s Guide

Decent Essays

GLO-BUS Participant’s Guide (somewhat) at a Glance

Company Operations: • Main office: Taiwan Regional Sales Offices in Milan, Brazil, Toronto, Singapore Focus is company sales & promotion and support merchandising of retailers Retailers maintain ample inventories to satisfy demand

• Seasonal Production and Seasonal Demand Sales: 20% in each Q1-3 40% in Q4

• Retailers place orders 90 days in advance of expected sales. Assembly: 20% in Q4-1 &2 40% in Q3

• Assembly & Shipping Assembly in just-in-time basis 4-person assembly teams (PATs) at well-equipped workstations. Delivery time 3 days – 3 weeks Cost - $5 entry level $10 …show more content…

Brand reputation Momentum动量and market standing in a region carries over into the following year Positive impact on companies that enjoy above-average market shares and thus are considered by both camera buyers and retailers to have relatively attractive products. Brand name and reputation important to consumer and retailers alike

In GLO-BUS the general principle used to determine how many cameras each company sells in each geographical market is a company’s competitive effort relative to the industry-average effort in the geographical region, competitive factor to competitive factor.

Making Decisions - Screens • 45 different decision entries • Some for both ELC & MFC and some for each of the 4 geo areas • 7 Decision Screens • Bottom of screen are two lines = projected revenues, net earnings, earnings per share, return on equity investment, credit rating, image rating and change in cash position from the prior year.

The best way to learn about the decision screens is to log on and pull up each decision screen. Review the following notes while looking at the screen:

Product Design Decisions: Screen #1
Caliber of the components 1. Core Components (image resolution, LCD screen, lens quality/optical zoom) Ordered from

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