
Global Eating : Causes And Effects Of Global Warming

Decent Essays

What is global warming? Global warming is the increase in temperatures due to greenhouse gases and other various things that are polluting our earth. Things like carbon dioxide pollute the atmosphere and can make the temperature rise which is what causes global warming. So what's the problem you might ask? Well, the problem is that global warming is deliberately changing our atmosphere and the way we live. It is putting a burden on some of nature's key elements and is affecting the world around us. Although you may not think this directly impacts you, there are many causes and effects of global warming that will change the way your very own life is lived overtime. Global warming is the cause of many catastrophes on our beautiful earth. For example, global warming has been affecting coral reefs over time. Coral reefs are known to be very bright and colorful and are a big tourist attraction. However, it hasn’t been the bright colors that have been attracting tourists in the past couple decades. Instead, it's been the dull, pale white color of millions of coral reefs all over that has caught both tourists and scientists eyes. Coral reefs have been bleaching, meaning they are losing their vibrant colors. In Fact, in the past eighteen years, there have been three mass bleaching events. This is insane considering that mass bleaching events are supposed to happen once every thousand years. The coral reefs bleaching is due to the rise in temperature in the water. The warm water makes algae toxic which is a big problem for coral reefs. The reefs feed off the algae and depend on them but when the warm water makes them toxic it makes the coral reefs expel from their tissue. When they expel from their tissue they lose their glorifying colors. Since they have no food because of the algae being toxic, in a matter of time the eyeful delicate creatures can die. This is important to humans because sea animals depend on the coral reefs for shelter and when coral reefs are all dead, many of the sea animals have no shelter and will get attacked and eaten by prey which causes a decline in the amount of food for us to eat.
Another example of the effects of global warming is the recent holes in Siberia. Siberia is touching the

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