
How Graffiti Is Art

Better Essays

Nhan Loc
Professor: R. L. White
English 93
01 December 2016
Graffiti is Art Graffiti is a form of art well known in the street art. There are many forms of arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, or graffiti. Graffiti is an art used for the community to send messages as well as representing for community identity and pride through Graffiti artwork. In the book “Read Write Connect” by Kathleen Green Amy Lawler, chapter 22 Public Art talks about what graffiti art, vandalism art is, the differences between graffiti artwork and vandalism, and the purpose of graffiti. What is street art? It is a free public art that involves many different styles such as graffiti, sticker, street posters. Graffiti is a true art has different meanings. Graffiti is an art, not a simple tagging but an actual mural that represents meanings in every detail, style, and color. According to “Public Art & Street Art” by Patrick Frank, “ The street artists made much broader statement about themselves and the world in a language that was widely understandable”(p446), this talks about the language in art is amazing, communicating through art is a language that everyone can understand and relate to. However, some might argue that graffiti is vandalism. Vandalism is when street artists paint without any permissions of private property owners. In the articles, “What graffiti means to a community” says “Most vandals are young people, from grade school age to young adults, who damage property for reasons

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