
Great Ministry Discussion

Decent Essays

At the “Great Commission” Seminary, it is impossible to deny the fact that everyone is called to make disciples as they are going into the world. Every month, if not every week, I am reminded that I am called to go and make disciples of the people that have never heard the name of Jesus. Currently, I reached out to a woman in a Jewish Synagogue and had a gospel conversation, and I plan to go back to minister to her and to those around her by the end of the month. I work at a paint store, and I try to direct my words to talk about the gospel through at my work in a way that is natural to my job. I do not inorganically foce the conversation in this direction, but instead gently show these men and women what I do and why I am here. This has led to an hour-long conversation with one customer about the gospel, and I even had the privilege to invite a customer to church for Easter. Understanding my surroundings and engaging people with a gospel is interesting is an easy and fun way for me to incorporate the gospel …show more content…

Even as a pastor, I will still be called to give 10% of my paycheck to God for His ministry. Even in a ministry role, I must not neglect that I am called to give generously to those around me. The fact that the generosity of others pays the bills is a great reminder that I should be generous as well. I would love to sponsor a missionary that is going overseas, which would be a huge blessing to both of us. I would also be intentional in my prayers, praying God would protect them and bring their ministry fruit. Sending is not only about giving but also about intentionally praying, asking that God bless their ministry and strengthen them for each day. I pray that my mindset will be that God has blessed me so richly that I naturally, out of the outflow of my heart, give back to God because He has given me joy that I never imagined was

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