
Greenleaf: Ten Characteristics Of Servant Leadership

Decent Essays

I have recently completed a service project at the animal shelter in Bulloch County, Georgia. For four days I rode with my group to the animal shelter to play with the animals. Playing with the animals shows them compassion. We played with many dogs over the course of four days. Doing this service have made myself and my group servant leaders. What is a servant leader you ask, well a servant leader wants to help others better themselves. They want to help even if they do not look like, think like, or talk like us.
In Greenleaf’s work he describes ten characteristics of servant leaders. While serving the animal shelter I showed three characteristics. Listening, Empathy, and healing.
I showed empathy when I met my favorite dog. A servant leader understands and empathizes with others. The dog was an American Bulldog named Alpha. I had been wanting to get him since day one but my group was afraid of him because he was huge. I understood that he was a big dog, but I thought from his perspective and decided I would be lonely and bark if I were locked in a cage. Eventually the day came when my group finally agreed to get him. We asked the worker some questions before getting him. One question that struck me was “Do a lot of people take out Alpha?” It saddened me to …show more content…

A servant leader must listen to a person fully without interrupting or judging them. While doing my service at the animal shelter there were two other people doing service. They were prisoners wearing the orange jumpsuit. Although most people would assume they are bad and not to talk to them, me and my group had a conversation with them about the dogs. They showed a lot of compassion about what they were doing. Although it was work they were forced to do they gave it their all. I listened and communicated with them the entire time without judging whatever they might have done. This was showing servant leadership in one of the hardest

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