
Group Project Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The Group Project was about recycling and how we should approach and make sure to recycle what we have to have a better economy and make sure to reduce the pollution levels that are caused by the trash we throw on the ground and how it would affect other person’s pleasure. The project was expressed in a non-verbal communication we set out a play which sends a point to the importance of recycling through silent acting.
The recycling examples that were given in the video as amessage to send to the viewer. The first example used was about three friends who went to a park with a lot of their drinks and trash on hand while they were sitting on a table they started to talk and slowly forget about the trash they left over, and as time progresses they …show more content…

First, working with a group can be quite difficult as it leaves you being suspicious of other people abilities because not only you are working with them as a group but their performance also affects your performance as a student in the subject which will be subjected to review and analysis. The group that I was working with was quite the amusing people to be with, and the reason was that everyone knew exactly what they would be doing and we started to talk about how we would approach the issue we were tasked for and how we would be able to not only understand but also be able to express our point of view on the subject to the people who were going to view our message, but the subject was quite hard to express through non-verbal communication so the group were almost stuck to finding out a way which we would be able to approach this kind of problem in a way that would be optimal and easily understandable. The last issue we faced was managing our time. The project required all of us to be present to be able to perform the task but having everyone available at the same time can be quite hard and it is the most common issue when it comes to group presentation and that is managing our time. The group had to talk with everyone to ask everyone if they would be available at this time of day and if that is acceptable to everyone and make sure that there are no issues regarding the subject. Finally,

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