
Gun Violence On College Campuses

Decent Essays

With the recent history of gun violence on college campuses, questions have been raised on how incidents like these can best be prevented. One proposed solution is allowing firearms to be carried on campuses. With many states passing the open carry law, the topic of guns on campus has become a major issue; however, there are many reasons to why allowing guns to be carried on campus would not help prevent situations like these. A college campus is a place where individuals of different maturity levels come to learn and develop. Research has shown that college students are not fully developed in regards to impulse and judgment, so allowing a student to be able to carry a gun would not be a logical choice. In addition, allowing guns on campus could lead to an increase in reckless shooting incidents, an increase in gun related crimes, and add to the difficulty to law enforcement personnel. A college campus needs to be a safe place for all. To ensure the safest environment for college students, guns should not be able to be carried on campus with the exception to law enforcement. The constitution states it’s a person’s right to bear arms. It’s perhaps the ear lies gun legislation in this country. Throughout the years, numerous legislation has been passed to regulate firearm control and safety. Age restrictions, back ground checks, and concealed weapon permits are all examples of gun legislature that has been implemented to govern all aspects of firearms. These laws are created

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