
Gun Violence-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I lolled around still thinking about the decision I had made. The vicissitudes were just piling up, on after another. The only things I heard were buildings crumble, guns being fired, and bombs dropping. I missed the sound of my car starting, I missed the sound of the music playing, but most of all, I missed the sound of my children laughing and playing. The kind of chastisement I was living through was just unbearable and I was ready to leave. No one was stabbing me, no one was shooting me, just thinking about what I have lost is the most painful thing. I heard gunshots getting closer. I needed to leave.
I looked around the brick house. Yellowed bricks, huge cracks, sand all over the place, but it was still the thing that was keeping me safe. …show more content…

I saw a small group of men, brandishing their guns. I sped up the car to 100 kilometers, 110 kilometers, soon enough the speedo topped off at 150 kilometers per hour, I heard a few gunshots and got closer to the corpulent, glowering men. Just before I know it, I roll down my window, stick my gun out and start shooting. They start shooting back and luckily they don’t burst any of my tires. I heard metal puncture and some glass shatter but otherwise, the little car was fine. I continued on with my interminable …show more content…

I’ve driven and driven and I’m starting to see more and more people who look like they want to do the same thing as me. As I drive along there is just a myriad of people and a few ask for a ride. I say sorry because it wouldn’t be fair and could cause a riot, I was very contrite. I drove a little bit longer and I saw a small building with different rows where cars rested. This was it. I drive up behind the other car and the process goes slowly, but soon enough it’s my turn. With all my reverence I say hello to the officer and asks me, “Where are you coming from sir?” I respond happily, “Syria, I am coming from Syria.” In my thick accent. As I entered I felt a purged

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