
Personal Narrative On Gun Violence

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“Personal Narrative” When I was a kid, I did not think about gun violence. In fact, I grew up in a household that accepted guns. My dad, uncle, and grandfather all owned guns, and I never really gave much thought about it. When I was younger my dad bought me a little BB gun and taught me how to use it. We used to go outside in our backyard which was all fenced off. He taught me all the safety precautions, and set up the paper targets for me to shoot. I always believed that was normal, everyone owned guns. I didn't realize the importance in which they played, in our society, for protection, until July 20, 2012. I watched the frightening and horrific incident that took place in a no gun-zone theater in Aurora, Colorado. It was that day at my house that the importance of guns became very clear to me. As I watched the intense news, I saw how all those victims were in danger, and how they appeared so helpless. They were trapped, and left with nothing to do but call 911, and wait for the police to show up. In the last five years, I have come to realization the importance that guns play, whether or not it is in a gun-free zone or not. They are a base of protection, because attackers will always find away to obtain them. However, that wasn’t the only time, a life event about gun-free zones sparked my awarnence. More recently a gun shooting in my hometown community took place. I came home from a normal day of school. I went to the kitchen to get a snack, and

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