
Hamlet Revenge And Justice Essay

Decent Essays

Revenge resembles taking action and justice for what is right. Shakespeare is familiar with this concept that is presented in his play, Hamlet. The characters Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes show the willingness to seek revenge on others through the five assumptions of revenge play. The lust of revenge can only be satisfied by the person carrying out the revenge and the revenge must be on an individual level. Hamlet has a desire to seek revenge on Claudius for the “most natural murder” of his father (1.5.31). When Hamlet found out about his fathers murder, he wanted to take action into his own hands. Claudius murdered King Hamlet for the royal crown and for a position as King of Denmark. Laertes wishes to take “revenge most thoroughly for …show more content…

The king believes that “revenge should have no bounds”, and Laertes should take action even if he “cut[s] his throat [in] the church” (4.7.144,146). Laertes believes he should kill even if the murder goes against certain religious practices. He wants justice to be served and Hamlet to die for the sins of his father’s murder. The gravediggers contemplate if Ophelia “should have a Christian burial” because they do not know exactly how she died.
King Hamlet’s “foul crimes are burnt and purged away” (1.5.17-18). One was not given a Christian burial if they died of sinful acts such as suicide. Ophelia’s death is still a mystery and the gravediggers just decide to bury her properly. If one truly desires revenge, they do not allow their religious beliefs to interfere with their sinful act. Revenge must be held accountable and be just for the sins of everyone, even if they hold power. Laertes announces to everyone “the King’s to blame” for “treason” by killing Gertrude and King Hamlet (5.2.351,354). The truth is exposed about King Hamlet’s death. The King is punished even though he is a powerful ruler. Hamlet informs Claudius that “a villain kills [his] father”, he must “ [send] he villain to heaven” (3.3.81-82). Claudius is now aware that Hamlet know the truth. Hamlet shall seek revenge for his father. All who fail to do good must face the consequence of vengeance no matter who they

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