
Han Dynasty Essay

Decent Essays

The Han Dynasty marked a Golden age of Chinese history, full of technological and cultural advances. The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and imperialistic states to this day. So why did such thriving nations suddenly collapse? The factors which cause a state to collapse can include both internal and external conflicts; for instance, economic struggles with both the citizens and the country in debt, the level of cohesion, the political outcry in the country and public health or other social issues. Analyzing the causes for collapse, you can see that there were many ways that the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty differ, but the similarities in the reasons for the nations’ collapse prevail. Throughout history, many …show more content…

The Roman Empire had conquered a considerable amount of land which was difficult to maintain control of. The people of Rome were then divided, ergo the division of Rome into the eastern part, ruled by the Byzantium and the western part was governed from Rome. Following the split of the Roman Empire, they both failed to govern the state with supreme leadership so it then collapsed entirely. The Han Dynasty, however, was not weakened by expansion; they were weakened by the corruption of the government. The government created laws that were in favor of the rich and upper-class members of society and left the peasants and the people of the lower classes to form riots, and were left in a state of social unrest. Many government officials would assassinate a person with a higher ranking so they could take place of that job, which all ultimately lead to the weakening of the Dynasty. Additionally when Christianity was brought to Rome in circa 312 A.D., the Romans didn't expect the new teachings of this religion, as the primary Roman faith at the time was Judaism. . Officials were ordered to try and eliminate Christianity from spreading and they made laws that were, in some cases, punishable by death. The citizens of the Roman Empire then revolted against the government in effort to put an end to the harsh laws set in place. They succeeded in doing so and with that came a major decline in the amount of power that the government held, which is a clear indicator that a nation will

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