
Happiness And Happiness

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According to the Bible “... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)” Many have grown up listening to songs that teach the fruit of the spirit. For those who do not know this reference It is the attitude people are supposed to hold themselves to. Most people assume that Joy is the same as happiness, but people do not get the option to be happy. This is one of many reasons that Joy is not correlated to Happiness. You do not need to be happy to be joyful because Joy is a mindset, it is not based on emotions, and is permanent and internal.
While, many of us think of Joy as happiness, happiness is a not a mindset. Joy is a choice, and a mindset. Joy is an attitude and has to be wanted. An example of this is mentioned in “Choose Joy” by Kay Warren, where she states that a person experiences as much joy as they choose to. In the situations people experience in their lives, they can either choose to have joy in those times, and be thankful and rejoice in the position they are put in, or have a mindset that they won't get through the hard, and focus on the negatives in life instead. Joy is a mindset of positivity and optimism. Joseph Campbell also addresses the mindset of Joy “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” People have the choice to choose joy. Happiness; however, is something people can not choose to be,

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