
Happiness And Happiness : The Definition Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Maybe it was a sign, I speculated to myself. Laying on my terribly cozy bed, the all of the curiosity that I possessed traveled throughout my body immensely pondering the sincere meaning of happiness. What produces such a feeling, I could not wrap such an ambitious argument around my head. I could not process the result of this reaction and to what extent it had on one’s demeanour as a whole. An ample amount of people affirm that happiness comes from ambition and success. Whereas, others assert to that it is truly derived from seeking your passions and dreams. However, my own definition of happiness has been vastly altered from what I have always presumed it as. Now the question is prominent in my mind as my eyes flutter close and I softly drift off into a vacation full of joy, called sleep. When I awoken from my placid night of sleep, I attempted to conjure up the meaning of happiness once again. Yet, my mind had drawn a blank, just as it had done the night before. Thus, I decide to turn on my tv. In my intermission of inquiries, I scrutinized the belated people that were apparent on the meager tv screen. At that very instant, a light bulb flicked on in my head. Ah-ha, I conjuncted that the key principle to procuring happiness would fame. The achievement of fame is such a luxury that it will plour the delight of happiness all over you. Everyone seeks fame, therefore, being famous must bring you the sensation of success. Generally the public is conscious of your every

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